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Rent out via Belvilla and 2.000 other websites throughout Europe, with just one contact!

Within the solid foundation of Belvilla AG, more than 700 holiday parks in 11 countries now also use the rental options offered by Belvilla by OYO. They are offered on the own websites (in several languages) as well as through the more than 2.000 affiliated web partners and travel agencies. This can vary from specialized, local partners to the largest international booking platforms. An easy way to reach a large and diverse audience throughout Europe. All with one point of contact; Team Holiday Parks. Furthermore, there are no costs involved in starting a partnership and once launched, we work on a “no cure, no pay” basis.

The Holiday Parks department has specialized in managing the relationship with partners and holiday parks since 2005. The relationship is characterized by an informal atmosphere and short, direct lines of communication with experienced employees.

Über diese App
Release Datum
23. November 2022
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