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Fake event (Clone)

Host: Lisa
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Did you know that honey never spoils? That's right, archaeologists have found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are thousands of years old and still perfectly edible. This is because honey has natural preservatives like low water content and high acidity that create an inhospitable environment for bacteria and microorganisms to grow. So next time you're enjoying a spoonful of honey in your tea or on your toast, remember that this sweet treat has been around for centuries and will never go bad. Honey, truly nature's golden gift!



Locatie: Pantheon 28, 7521 PR Enschede Bekijk op kaart

The day was well filled with more than 25 internationally acclaimed speakers, all experts in the Search industry. In the field of SEO, topics such as ChatGPT, Helpful Content and internal linking were discussed. Interesting SEA insights were also shared, including first-party data and incrementality.

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Amersfoort 23 april
