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PMS for real estate developers

The best way to sell
your real estate.

Run your holiday park with Booking Experts to streamline operations, increase guest satisfaction and maximize revenues.

Booking Experts Solution Real Estate Developer

These real estate developers already made the switch

Sell your project

Streamline your sales process

We provide all resources to turn your real estate project into a success.

Customizable to your needs

Integrate with your favourite CRM tools

Sync your leads with your CRM software, track sales activities and streamline your sales process. 
  • Create custom funnels for prospects
  • Multiple integrations possible
BEX Boosters Real Estate Marketing Benchmark
''The transparency we offer to owners is key to our success. This is how we gain the trust of owners.''
Gijs Meerdink
Owner - Welcome.in
Our formula

Continuous flow of quality leads

Put your project on the map and draw more attention to your website. 

This isn’t our first rodeo.

Leverage our expertise for your project.

We have supported various real estate projects in which we have encountered similar challenges. 

By using our benchmarks and leveraging our expertise, you’re always aware of industry trends and stay ahead of you competition.

  • Lead your project with more confidence
  • Use us as your sounding board for ideas and advice
BEX Boosters Real Estate Marketing Benchmark
Manage your property

The best way to run your lodging business

Streamline operations, increase guest satisfaction and maximize revenues.

Be transparent and in control

Offer house owners the transparency they deserve.

From bookings to guest details, from commission settlements to periodic invoices, the Owner Portal provides owners all the information they need. 

Good to know: You always stay in control. You decide which information is shared on an owner’s level.

BEX PMS Property Management System House Owner Management Invoices
BEX PMS Property Management System House Owner Management Rental Property
BEX PMS Property Management System House Owner Management Overview BEX PMS Property Management System House Owner Management Accounts
Eva has edited reservation BEX2390739
Extended the stay by 2 nights
New message from Sophie
New review for accommodation 127 - Bungalow | 4 persons
Inge added a note to reservation BEX237591048
Deliver welcome package
''The switch went smoothly, within 1.5 months we switched 14 parks.''
Tristan Linnenbank
Medewerker Yield en Revenue - TopParken
BEX App Store

Your favourites.
One click away.

Integrate with your favourite apps and tools.

7 days a week, 365 days a year

Top-notch support. All. the. time.

We not only provide software but also offer advice. We are always available to answer your questions.

  • Broadly trained team with expertise
  • Response within 20 minutes
  • 97% satisfaction score

BEX Customer Succes Team Support
Be part of our journey

Ready to make
the switch?

Discover how Booking Experts is the best way to
manage your hospitality business.